Friday, August 8, 2014

A thought that sticks

"In the scriptures, it is often the women who are the first to see." See this article.

Friday, May 23, 2014

NT Wright on women in the church

N.T Wright's summary of many of the key passages on women's service in the church, here.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Does Christianity silence women?

A thoughtful article which begins to illustrate how revolutionary Jesus, and even Paul's, treatment of women was at the time.
Click here.

From the article:
"Perhaps rather than simply charging Christianity with silencing women, commentators could instead challenge today’s faithful to live up to the treatment of women that characterised the first Christians?"

- Simon Smart

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Article by Tom Wright

Here is a far to short article by Tom Wright on the arguments being put forward in Britain on the question of whether women should be ordained as bishops.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Sydney Anglicans in the news

Julia Baird writes for SMH and has written a few pieces on women preaching, one today here and another earlier this year, here. Her take is basically that it's archaic, irrelevant to set such boundaries on women. I'd be interested to hear what your reaction is to her articles.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I've often heard that the Husband is the leader, and he is to "lead" his

I've done a search, of at least the NRSV, for the term "leader" in the
NT and I can't see that it is applied to any Christian. I see the
"leader of the synagogue", the "leader of the Jews" the "leader of the
Pharisees". Once it is applied to Christ (Acts 5:17), but never to a

I don't think we should automatically ascribe the description of the
husband as the "head" to a proscription that every husband should be a

What is the leadership of a husband if it isn't Christ like love and

Should we change the way we talk about a husband having "leadership".
Yes. I think so. I don't think it's a helpful or a Biblical term to use.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's cruel to submit

When I suggested to my mother that we might read Ephesians 5 at our wedding. She reacted very strongly. Totally out of character for her. "You should not read that. You shouldn't submit to your husband! I don't submit to your father!"

However, I can remember plenty of times when she has "submitted" to my father. Her idea of what the word "submit" meant, was obviously different to mine.

Through conversations with other non-Christian friends I've come to realise that to many people to "submit" means, primarily, submit to cruelty. That a wife should not speak up about being beaten. That a wife should just do whatever her husband wants, no matter what he asks or what his motivation. To blindly obey.

The idea of "submitting" to something good, in my opinion, isn't contemporary use of the word. This is especially so in the case when you're commanded to do it (in this case, by Paul).

What did the original, Ephesian audience think of a wife "submitting"? That it wasn't particularly controversial. Of course a good wife will submit to her husband.

If it wasn't anything controversial, why did Paul have to say to do it? That reason is left unsaid in Ephesians, but it is stated in Titus:

"being submissive to their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited."  Titus 2:5

In the letter to Titus, the behaviour of "submission" is guided by the principle "so that the word of God may not be discredited".

In a society where the thing which most strongly discredits God's word is charges of misogyny - how are we to interpret these verses.

Though submission does have strong negative overtones in our society, respect for your husband remains a very positive thing. Instead of encouraging Christian wives to submit (and thereby derailing they whole purpose by using a confusing term, and by inviting charges of misogyny from others). Let's put our energy in encouraging our wives to respect their husbands. To be devoted to them. To encourage the good in them. To overlook the bad. Under Christ to be devoted to them, and to their wellbeing. Who wouldn't want a wife like that?